Wednesday, 2 December 2009


Narrative text to explain my hybrid:

This hybrid of a guitar and earthenware pottery is made up of 2 quite separate objects but is combined through focusing on the use of lines - lines derived from the patterned glaze of the jug and lines from the strings and fretboard of the guitar. These lines are organic and fluid, constantly moving. The objects are sourced from natural materials - clay and wood - and so the hybrid represents this through a muted colour palette of greens, greys and browns and the flowing movement of the contours and marks. The purpose of the objects are drawn upon with reference to the production of sound from the guitar and the soundwaves that the guitar strings emanate. On closer examination the unique hand painted glaze on the jug resembles the shapes of sound oscillations - vibrating, resonating, echoing, reflecting, refraction, reverberation. The fragile quality of the jug is represented through the breaking up of the solid and refined lines into fragmented debris, where the order is broken. This is enhanced through the sound of the guitar affected by feedback and reverb. The reformation of the objects once merged is then terminated through the use of sound.

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