Thursday, 27 May 2010

Folding letters

I like the idea of the letters folding out from themselves, referring to the way i came up with the typeface.

More stings

More ideas for stings and how it could be used laid over footage for eg, for documentary content.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Sting idea

Overlaying of coloured layers moving back and forth and emerging from behind black. Reminiscent of More 4 idents/stings.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Playing around

Some basic ideas for development of branding which could be applied to idents or stationery etc.

And an idea for an ident starting to take shape, taking inspiration from Giovanii Pintori's Olivetti branding:

HOME identity work

My final logo for the TV channel HOME and associated sketchbook work which shows how it came about. I was originally looking at cross stitch 'Home Sweet Home' but took looked more at the shape of just one stitch and the simplified lines it made which then evolved into an origami style letter shapes and finally into this. As this also is reminiscent of arrows i lends itself to more development of narrative which i can use in idents/stings/bugs etc.